Fordham Bans Reed Smith For 5 Years, Cites Late Interview Cancellation

• National News updated  2009/08/12 12:08

• National News updated  2009/08/12 12:08
The ABA Journal reports that citing a "lack of professionalism" in Reed Smith's late cancellation of scheduled on-campus interviews this year, the dean of Fordham University School of Law has banned the Pittsburgh-based international law firm from further participation for the next five years.
The firm expects to have a 2010 summer associate program, but it is canceling on-campus interviews at some schools, including Fordham, states a letter to students today from Dean William Michael Treanor. It is reprinted in an Above The Law post, and a law school spokeswoman has confirmed to the ABA Journal that the letter is accurate.
"At Fordham Law, we require our students to conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism, and we expect employers to demonstrate the same high standards," the letter concludes.
A spokeswoman for Reed Smith tells the ABA Journal that the law firm intends to respond, but has just heard about the dean's letter and hence cannot do so immediately.
The firm expects to have a 2010 summer associate program, but it is canceling on-campus interviews at some schools, including Fordham, states a letter to students today from Dean William Michael Treanor. It is reprinted in an Above The Law post, and a law school spokeswoman has confirmed to the ABA Journal that the letter is accurate.
"At Fordham Law, we require our students to conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism, and we expect employers to demonstrate the same high standards," the letter concludes.
A spokeswoman for Reed Smith tells the ABA Journal that the law firm intends to respond, but has just heard about the dean's letter and hence cannot do so immediately.